
For movie goers

Movies by Flixster Inc. (free)

* Login using your facebook account.
* List box office, In theaters, Upcoming and My Movies.
*View movie trailers.
* Write your own review or read others review.
* Tag upcoming movies you want to watch.

*** Definite app for movie lovers, like me.!

Read Users' Comments (3)

3 Response to "For movie goers"

  1. Mrs. Hanani says:
    23 June 2011 at 13:20

    u ever try maxis movie?

  2. Dane says:
    23 June 2011 at 15:20

    Not yet, and probably will not try as it use Paypal to purchase ticket...

    Have u try? Is it good? From the comment in market, it has a lot of problems..

  3. Mrs. Hanani says:
    25 June 2011 at 01:42

    yes, its use paypal, but at least can see the showtime and can choose seat or ..know how many seat left for that Yes, am using it, not have any problem right now.

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